Families are our biggest blessings! Never static, always changing, young with old and always on the move.
Families may be scattered by distance, but never in heart.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Rosemary Chicken Noodle Soup

Rosemary Chicken Noodle Soup

2 boxes of chicken broth
1 large onion
1/2 bag of sliced carrots
3/4 box of noodles
2 T. minced garlic
large spring of fresh rosemary
2 large chicken breasts cooked in olive oil 

I also added a few tablespoons of taboule salad to my individual bowl.  YUMMY!!!   When I make this again I will add another box of chicken broth as the noodles absorbed a lot of the broth while cooling off.  We ate it hot so it didn't mess up dinner, but when I reheat more broth will need to be added.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dirty vs Clean

The Dirty Dozen versus The Clean 15

The fruits and vegetables on “The Dirty Dozen” list, when conventionally grown, tested positive for at least 47 different chemicals, with some testing positive for as many as 67. For produce on the “dirty” list, you should definitely go organic — unless you relish the idea of consuming a chemical cocktail. “The Dirty Dozen” list includes:
  • celery
  • peaches
  • strawberries
  • apples
  • domestic blueberries
  • nectarines
  • sweet bell peppers
  • spinach, kale and collard greens
  • cherries
  • potatoes
  • imported grapes
  • lettuce
All the produce on “The Clean 15” bore little to no traces of pesticides, and is safe to consume in non-organic form. This list includes:
  • onions
  • avocados
  • sweet corn
  • pineapples
  • mango
  • sweet peas
  • asparagus
  • kiwi fruit
  • cabbage
  • eggplant
  • cantaloupe
  • watermelon
  • grapefruit
  • sweet potatoes
  • sweet onion
For more information go to http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/health/the-dirty-dozen-and-clean-15-of-produce/616/

The Perfect Dinner

Rosemary Salmon with Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Mushrooms 
and Sun-dried Tomato Risotto.  

Made with Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon.  In case you didn't know, you need to be eating the wild salmon instead of the farm raised salmon.  I only know this because my daughter reads about these things.  I think she should be a nutritionist and if I were any younger I would look into that career myself.  I made the risotto because my mother asked about it yesterday.  We just happened to have some in the cupboard and while I have never made it myself, it wasn't too labor involved and turned out just right.  The bluebells on the table are a local bargain at only $1.00, an after Valentine's Day find and still beautiful!  The wine is from Costco...their brand, Kirkland.  More about that in a future post!  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Boxed Cake But Better!

Bakery Cake 

This post is going to need a follow up post.  I'm definitely going to try this over Spring Break.  I love the convenience of boxed cake mixes, but they don't taste as good as the bakery ones.  I'm thinking a key lime pie for St. Patrick's Day!  mmmm....

Step 1: Look at the directions on the cake mix,
Step 2: Add one more egg (or add 2 if you want it to be very rich),
Step 3: Use melted butter instead of oil and double the amount,
Step 4: Instead of water, use milk.
Step 5: Mix well and bake for the time recommended on the box....found on pinterest

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Easiest Pizza Ever!

Quick, Easy & Fun to Make!!!  

So simple and I bet yummy too!  My family is going to try these this week.  Great for snacks or a quick meal paired with a salad after a hectic day!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Little Bits...LOST! !

Little Bits FOUND!!  

It's annoying to search through the junk drawers to find a rubberband, twist tie, thumb tack or any other small item you've stashed away for a future use.  Here is a clever way to reuse all those need little glass food jars too!  I'm going to start my collection today!