Families are our biggest blessings! Never static, always changing, young with old and always on the move.
Families may be scattered by distance, but never in heart.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Homemade Frozen Treats

Our new X-press Pops maker promises little frozen treats in just 10 minutes!  It was quick, but removing the pops proved difficult, probably because the mixture contained too much water and not enough sugar.  After letting it sit outside in the hot sun, it finally released it's grip on these tasty low-calorie treats!  Monica and I made these with True Lemon's raspberry lemonade and just a bit of milk.  We can't wait to create colorful striped pops and pops with flavored centers such as yogurt, pudding and pureed fruit!  YUM!!!!  I have a feeling we are going to love this little frozen box, it's quick, easy and makes tasty cold treats.  Monica already says she is taking it to college!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What a Wonder-Full World We Live In!

Our world is full of wonderful things:  today I find a green anole!  Well let me be more truthful, Maya Kitty found it first!  We see lots of these in our yard as they like to hang out in the plants, trees and bushes of our yard.  They have the ability to camouflage themselves when they feel threatened, just like a chameleon.  This one's in the process of turning green as it just turned itself brown to hide from our kitty on our faded wood fence.  It's also shedding its skin which I have never seen one do before now...so cool!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Homemade Vitamin Water

Well this looks a bit like a cloudy beta fish tank, but it's actually Berry Rosemary Vitamin Water with Citrus.  I saw a post on fb with several kinds of homemade vitamin waters and decided to give it a try.  Our little garden box already had plenty of rosemary and we had some fresh fruit in the fridge.  I actually enjoy the taste...just a hint of everything mixed together.  Tomorrow we will try Thyme Lime and who knows what combinations we will come up with over the rest of summer.  There are endless possibilities and that is part of the fun!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Dinner Date at Kirby's Steakhouse

Rob and I have been married for 25 years, but we rarely go out without the kids when they are home.  Last night was an exception.  No it wasn't our anniversary and it wasn't even a special day, but Monica had purchased a Groupon gift certificate just for Rob and I. We don't normally eat out at fancy restaurants, so it was kinda fun to dress up for the evening.  I think Rob and I felt a little lost without Robbie and Monica at the beginning, but it was nice to reconnect with each other and talk about the upcoming events.  We are really looking forward to our trip to the east coast for our niece's wedding.  We rarely get to see my brothers and sister's families, so it is going to be fun to catch up and welcome the newest member into the family and visit some really cool places too!  Thank you Monica for thinking of us...you are the true gift! <3

Thursday, July 26, 2012

White-lined Sphinx Hummingbird Moth

Last night at dusk, I found this large moth on our pool deck.  At first I thought it might be dead, but when I nudged it's body it began to move and the wind began whipping it's wings.  I moved it from it's chosen wind shield to our little garden box where it would be more protected from the wind and out of site from our dogs.  As you can see, he has a beautiful striped pattern and just a touch of pink!  It wasn't until I was researching what type of moth it could be that I remembered it's unusual wing fluttering as it climbed from my hands onto the branches of the thyme plant.  Now it all makes sense..he's a White-lined Sphinx Hummingbird Moth from the family Sphingidae.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Facebook is addicting!

Facebook: games, family and friends!  Sometimes I spend too much time playing the games and scrolling the wall, but overall fb has enhanced my life.  I have reconnected with friends and family and also met a lot of new friends too.  You never know what you are going to see when you sign into facebook.  This morning I found a delicious looking Piña Colada Cake posted by fellow Texan Rita Ownby Holcomb.  Just look at it...definitely a keeper!  Give it a try and tell me what you think!  

Piña Colada Cake

2 cups flour
1 ½ cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda
Dash salt
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 20 oz can crushed pineapple undrained

Combine dry ingredients. Add other ingredients and mix. Pour into a greased and floured 9X12 in cake pan and bake 45mins at 325.

1 cup sugar
5oz can evaporated milk
¾ stick butter (or margarine)
1 cup nuts
1 cup coconut
Cook icing 2 mins after butter melts. Pour over HOT cake.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today is a New Day!

Life is a blessing!  Each day is a chance to discover something new: about yourself, other people and the world we live in.  Explore the ARENA of life and have a very BLESSed day! <3

P.S.  I should have included that this adorable little plant sprouted from a seed that was placed in the hollowed out citrus half.  Easy transplant into the garden by just dropping it into a hole and allowing nature to take its course.  As the citrus holder decomposes, it feeds the seedling too!  Thanks Organic Common Sense for this very clever idea!