Families are our biggest blessings! Never static, always changing, young with old and always on the move.
Families may be scattered by distance, but never in heart.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Dinner Date at Kirby's Steakhouse

Rob and I have been married for 25 years, but we rarely go out without the kids when they are home.  Last night was an exception.  No it wasn't our anniversary and it wasn't even a special day, but Monica had purchased a Groupon gift certificate just for Rob and I. We don't normally eat out at fancy restaurants, so it was kinda fun to dress up for the evening.  I think Rob and I felt a little lost without Robbie and Monica at the beginning, but it was nice to reconnect with each other and talk about the upcoming events.  We are really looking forward to our trip to the east coast for our niece's wedding.  We rarely get to see my brothers and sister's families, so it is going to be fun to catch up and welcome the newest member into the family and visit some really cool places too!  Thank you Monica for thinking of us...you are the true gift! <3

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