Families are our biggest blessings! Never static, always changing, young with old and always on the move.
Families may be scattered by distance, but never in heart.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Robbie Moves to Austin!

Watch Out Austin, Texas...here comes Robbie!  Robbie starts classes at the University of Texas next week and yesterday was the big move in day.  He and his best friend moved into an apartment just south of downtown Austin.  The view from The Cliffs is awesome and there is a nice pool with pretty flowers too!  Just outside their living room window is a little Doggie Center which I call the Doggie Playground.  We saw lots of dogs in this little fenced off park, so why have your own when you can see and probably play with many!   We didn't get much time to explore yesterday.  It was a 3 hour drive to Austin, signing papers, moving everything in, a brief shopping trip for necessities, a quick trip by car through the campus and dining at the local pub and a 4 hour drive home for Rob and I.  Yes, it was a long day and we had to stop for a nap.  We are all rested now and are ready to go back!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Zipper!

The Zipper has to be the best small town fair ride ever!  When we were little, the carnival would come to Lincoln Village Plaza in the spring.  I remember it being spring because I would always have birthday money to spend.  My sister and I would walk up and spend it all!  I'm not sure if we spent any of it on food because I only remember the rides.  The Zipper was my favorite!  Tickets were only 10 cents a piece and at only few tickets per ride, I'm sure we got our fill.  Lots of laughs and smiles on that day!  Thank you Julie for always being my friend.  I couldn't ask for a better big sister!  <3

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Flowers from a Special Day

Flowers from Emily and Dennis' wedding!  One week ago today my niece was married to her best friend!  These are some of the flowers from our table.  I didn't get to bring the shortest vase home with the yellow billy balls, but the chrysanthemums and the carnations survived the flight home even though they were without water for over 7 hours.  It's amazing that they still look so good!  Mostly I brought the vases home as a memento of their wedding, to refill with flowers and remember their special day.  Not only did I get do that, but I also get to enjoy their flowers too!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Make Your Own!

If you are trying to eat healthier, you know it's a challenge to avoid the convenience of boxed foods.  They are time savers, but most contain a lot of ingredients that you really shouldn't consume.  As a general rule, if you can't pronounce it you probably shouldn't eat it.  The solution:  creating your own packaged mixes!  All the nasty and unnecessary ingredients of commercially processed boxed foods are removed, but the simplicity is still there!  Not only is it healthier, it saves money too! This one is a family favorite...BROWNIES!  
Homemade Brownie Mix*
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
1/3 cup cocoa
1/4 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla
Pour the mixture into a greased/floured baking pan
Bake @ 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. 

*Thank you Lizzie's Tips for Everyday Living
* * If you are trying to cut calories, remember that you can use applesauce instead of the vegetable oil.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Double the Fun!

A hot day in Texas won't stop our fun!  First, Monica and I hit Six Flags to fulfill our need for speed!  As a bonus, we were greeted with 7-11's Slurpee truck on our exit from Six Flags.  The free Slurpees weren't ready, but Monica won a free Slurpee from the store and I won an aluminum tumbler with a first fill for free.  Next, we stopped at Wal-Mart for a brief moment before the water park where we got to sample Taki chips and spin the wheel for more free stuff!  Monica got a little fan and I got a bracelet...more purple stuff!  Yes, it doesn't take much to make us happy!  Finally at Hurricane Harbor to cool off from the heat where a nice couple gave us their locker key for free!  Random acts of kindness really do make people smile!  :D

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Atkin's Breakfast!

I have a love/hate relationship with the Atkin's Diet.  I love it because it works, but only if you are very strict with your food choices.  I hate it because carbs are in almost everything!  Most people that are familiar with this diet believe it is an unhealthy diet.  It isn't unhealthy, it's nutritious!  It teaches you a lot about what you should and shouldn't put into your body anyway.  As an added bonus, it also encourages portion control.  This isn't an intentional part of the diet, but results from the lack of choices during the induction stage. For example, you will open the fridge in hopes of finding something tasty to eat, but quickly close it because you don't like your options.  Soon you will lose your cravings for sugary/carb loaded foods anyway.  As you can see in the photo, you aren't going to starve and some of the low-carb foods are actually good!  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's Tradition!

Every family has their own quirky traditions, this is one of ours.  We buckle up the water baby!  Yes, we protect our precious cargo to ensure a safe arrival home. There's nothing worse than opening up the back of the SUV to have a watermelon split into pieces, although it wouldn't be the only thing to fall out of the car.  We've also lost bottles of wine and many other things due to shifting in transport and I'm sure you have too!  As my sister would say, "buckle up for love" and all is well!  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monica's Chili-Panko Crusted Tilapia

Monica is learning to cook before she leaves for college next year!  Last night she made Chili-Panko Crusted Tilapia and asparagus.  It is her recipe and so delicious, so I'm writing it here so she remembers how to make it!

Chili-Panko Crusted Tilapia
4 tilapia fillets
2 egg
Panko Bread Crumbs
Italian seasoning
ground cayenne pepper
chili pepper olive oil

Heat the skillet with the chili pepper olive oil.  Beat 2 eggs, dip each fillet in the flour, then the egg, then the Panko bread crumbs, sprinkle with Italian seasoning.  Place in the hot oil and cook until the fish looks brown and crunchy on each side.  Sprinkle again with Italian seasoning and a little cayenne pepper.  Enjoy!