Families are our biggest blessings! Never static, always changing, young with old and always on the move.
Families may be scattered by distance, but never in heart.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Atkin's Breakfast!

I have a love/hate relationship with the Atkin's Diet.  I love it because it works, but only if you are very strict with your food choices.  I hate it because carbs are in almost everything!  Most people that are familiar with this diet believe it is an unhealthy diet.  It isn't unhealthy, it's nutritious!  It teaches you a lot about what you should and shouldn't put into your body anyway.  As an added bonus, it also encourages portion control.  This isn't an intentional part of the diet, but results from the lack of choices during the induction stage. For example, you will open the fridge in hopes of finding something tasty to eat, but quickly close it because you don't like your options.  Soon you will lose your cravings for sugary/carb loaded foods anyway.  As you can see in the photo, you aren't going to starve and some of the low-carb foods are actually good!  

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